Create a conservation legacy that will last for future generations.
Your planned gift to MHLC provides vital resources that will enable us to continue protecting forests, fields, wetlands, and farmland long into the future. Access to MHLC's preserves provides ongoing benefits to our communities, helping us to feel inspired, rejuvenated, and connected to the beauty of nature. The legacy you leave behind can ensure these opportunities last beyond your own years.
Even a modest-sized planned gift can make an enormous difference in keeping our outdoor spaces open and ensuring that our preserves and protected lands continue to be an integral part of our communities.
The tools of charitable gift planning include personal property, retirement funds, insurance policies, and more. These tools allow you to express your beliefs and values while making an impact that can last for generations. Planned gifts can also provide you with valuable tax benefits and income benefits.
It’s easy to designate the Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy as a recipient of your planned gift. If you have questions or would like to notify us of your planned gift, simply call us at 518-436-6346 to speak confidentially with our Development Director, Tara Tornello, or email
• Designate MHLC a Beneficiary of a Percentage or Dollar Amount in Your Will
• Designate MHLC as a Beneficiary of Your Life Insurance Policy
• Designate MHLC as a Full or Partial Beneficiary of Your Retirement Plan
• Donate Appreciated Securities & Gifts of Stock
• Donate Qualified Charitable Distributions
Thanks to MHLC supporters Charles & Nancy Scholes, we created the Planned Giving Challenge Fund to encourage bequest commitments for the future while providing critical funds for conservation today. To join the challenge, simply provide written confirmation of your planned gift to MHLC, and $500 from the fund will be released to our operating budget. Every new commitment strengthens MHLC's ability to conserve land in the Capital Region, now and in the future. Click the button to download the commitment form and learn more about the challenge.
If you are 70½ or older, you can make a tax-free distribution from your traditional or Roth IRA to MHLC. It’s an efficient way to support the causes that matter to you most. You can donate up to $100,000 each year without incurring income tax on your withdrawal. You direct distributions in the amount of your choosing from your traditional or Roth IRA to MHLC. This can be a one-time or recurring gift. The distributions go directly to MHLC and are not subject to federal income tax.
Click to learn more about required minimum distributions and charitable rollovers.
By giving a gift of land to create a public preserve, or leaving a gift as part of your estate planning, you are creating a legacy of a heathier Capital Region community. Our mission cannot be accomplished without these generous gifts of land, which ensure we all have open spaces to enjoy for generations to come. If you are planning to give a gift of land as part of your estate plans, please contact MHLC’s Executive Director, Mark King It is important that we are aware of your planned gift so that we may properly honor your intentions.